Abstract Anywhere

Whilst it is often said that the best camera is the one that you have with you, the best location will be the one where you currently are. Even at the side of a school swimming pool supporting the kids; even dripping with perspiration in the sauna that is the […]

Environmental Food Photography

I forget where this idea came from; suspect that it was just after a BWPS meeting with a speaker who was involved with Food Photography.  A discipline in itself – doesn’t exactly float my gravy-boat.  Neither does portraiture as I find it very difficult. I think it was one morning, with the […]

Elephant Reheat Pronouns

To be honest I have no idea if Elephants reheat anything let alone specific parts of grammar. Whilst it is pointless in terms of Elephants it does have a very specific meaning. Especially if you use the combination of the three words to provide a location on the planet. A […]

Documentary ‘gritty’ effect

At our last camera club meeting, Janey Devine FRPS gave a great presentation on documentary photography. Many of her images had a desaturated, slightly matte view and we asked her about this. This is the technique she described, and how I did a quick version on one image. But first.. I don’t […]